昆虫学系学术报告:The roles of novel interactions with the principal circadian kinase in the regulation of circadian and cell death pathways
发布日期:2016-12-29 浏览次数: 信息来源:植保学院 字号:[ ]

报告题目:The roles of novel interactions with the principal circadian kinase in the regulation of circadian and cell death pathways


Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences

University of Missouri-Kansas City



联系人:赵章武 62734225;翟照辉 62733086


JEFFREY L. PRICE,主要从事果蝇节律调控机理等方面的研究,并在Science, PNAS, Cell, Neurosci, Genetics等国际期刊发表论文百余篇。

Recent Publications:

Means, J.C., Gerdes, B.C., Kaja S., Sumien, N., Payne, A.J. Stark, D.A., Borden, P.K., Price, J.L., Peter Koulen, P., “Caspase 3-Dependent Proteolytic Cleavage of Tau Causes Neurofibrillary Tangles and Results in Cognitive Impairment During Normal Aging,” Neurochem Res 41:2278-2288, 2016.

Means, J.C., Venkatesan, A., Gerdes, B., Fan, J.Y., Bjes. E.S., and Price, J.L., “Drosophila Spaghetti and Doubletime Link the Circadian Clock and Light to Caspases, Apoptosis and Tauopathy,” PLo S Genet 11:e1005171, 2015. * Profiled by a perspective from Patrick Emery.

Fan, J.Y., Means, J.C., Bjes, E.S., Price, J.L., “Drosophila DBT autophosphorylation of its C antagonized by SPAG and involved in UV-induced apoptosis,” Mol Cell Biol 35:2414-2424, 2015.

Venkatesan, A., Fan, J.Y., Nauman, C., and Price, J.L., “A Doubletime Nuclear Localization Signal Mediates an Interaction with Bride of Doubletime to Promote Circadian Function,” Journ Biol Rhythm 30:302-17, 2015

Price, J.L., Fan, J.Y., Keightley, A., Means, J.C., “The Role of Casein Kinase I in the Drosophila Circadian Clock,” Methods Enzymol 551:175-195, 2015.

Price, J.L., “Translational Regulation of the Drosophila Post-translational Circadian Mechanism,” PLo S Genet 10:e1004628, 2014.

Fan, J.Y.,  Agyekum,  B., Venkatesan, A., Hall, D., Keightley, A., Bjes, E.S., Bouyain, S., Price, J.L., “Noncanonical FK506-binding Protein BDBT Binds DBT to Enhance its Circadian Function and Forms Foci at Night,” Neuron 80:984-996, 2013.



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