学术报告:The Current Situation of Locusts and Grasshoppers Management in the World
发布日期:2017-04-05 浏览次数: 信息来源:植保学院 字号:[ ]

报告题目:The Current Situation of Locusts and Grasshoppers Management in the World

报告人:Dr. David Hunter




报告人简介:David Hunter, PhD. (University of Queensland, Brisbane, 1976), Executive President of International Orthopterists Society (2013-2016), Consultant to Becker Underwood & BASF on biopesticides (2004-2015), Entomologist of Australian Plague Locust Commission (APLC) (1977-2004). He was directly involved in trials with Metarhizium (the pathogenic fungus used in locust control) and in training courses in Mexico (2000-2007), China (2002-2009), Uzbekistan (2010-12) and Georgia (2010-12). The results of all of this work have been published in more than 60 papers in scientific journals. Employed by the APLC as Entomologist to conduct research on aspects of locust biology and ecology important in improving the ability to forecast, locate and treat locust outbreaks. From 1997-2000, a concerted effort was made to field test with an Australian Metarhizium isolate which culminated in his leading a “Green Team” that only used Metarhizium to treat locusts in environmentally sensitive areas, with over 20,000 ha treated during October/November 2000. This was the first operational use of Metarhizium against locust pests and formed the basis of this biopesticide use as an integral part of the Integrated Pest Management of locusts in Australia.



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