昆虫学系系学术报告:Integration of proximal and airborne remote sensing into entomological research
发布日期:2017-09-12 浏览次数: 信息来源:植保学院 字号:[ ]

报告题目:Integration of proximal and airborne remote sensing into entomological research

报告人:Christian Nansen博士


时间: 20170912日上午1000


联系人:赵紫华 电话:62733000

报告简介: Through brief description of studies conducted within my research group, I will demonstrate a wide of ways hyperspectral imaging can be applied in entomological research – both in the lab and under field conditions. The main take-home messages conveyed are: 1) the many benefits and opportunities that this technology provides for entomological researchers (including students and their future careers), and 2) the tremendous potential for exciting multi-disciplinary collaboration with engineers, programmers and others as part of developing research-based solutions and cutting-edge research.


Nansen C, Elliot N. 2016. Remote sensing and reflectance profiling in entomology. Annual Review of Entomology 61:139–158.

Nansen C, Singh K, Mian A, Allison B J, Simmons C W. 2016. Using hyperspectral imaging to characterize consistency of coffee brands and their respective roasting classes. Journal of Food Engineering 190: 34–39.



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