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植物病理学系学术报告:The mechanism of heterosis for defense in Arabidopsis
发布日期:2019-12-06 浏览次数: 信息来源:植保学院 字号:[ ]

报告人:杨丽  北京大学现代农学院







(#co-first author; *co-corresponding author)
1. Yang L, Liu PT, Wang XC, Jia AL, Ren DQ, He G*, Deng XW*(2019). A central
circadian regulator confers both defense and growth vigor in hybrids. Submitted.

2. Zhou Y#, Yang L#, Duan J, Cheng J, Shen Y, Wang X, Han R, Li H, Li Z, Wang
L, Terzaghi W, Zhu D, Chen H, Deng XW*, Li J* (2018). Hinge region of
Arabidopsis phyA plays an important role in regulating phyA function. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA. 115(50): E11864-E11873.

3. Yang L#, Wang HN#, Hou XH, Zou YP, Han TS, Niu XM, Zhang J, Zhao Z,
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allelic variants confers flowering diversity in Capsella rubella. Plant Cell. 30:1322-1336.
This paper was featured in: Brook T. Moyers. Is Genetic Evolution Predictable? Plant
Cell 30 (6) 1171-1172.

4. Yang L#, Li B#, Zheng XY, Li J, Yang M, Dong X, An C*, He G*, Deng
XW*(2015). Salicylic acid biosynthesis is enhanced and contributes to increased
biotrophic pathogen resistance in Arabidopsis hybrids. Nat Commun. 6:7309.

5. Ren D#, Wang X#, Yang M, Yang L, He G*, Deng XW*(2019). A new regulator
of seed size control in Arabidopsis identified by a genome-wide association study.
New Phytol. 222(2):895-906.

6. Zou YP, Hou XH, Wu Q, Chen JF, Li ZW, Han TS, Niu XM, Yang L, Xu YC,
Zhang J, Zhang FM, Tan DY, Tian ZX, Gu HY, Guo Y.L.* (2017). Adaptation of
Arabidopsis thaliana to the Yangtze River basin. Genome Biol. 18:239.

7. Li J, Yang L, Jin D, Nezames CD, Terzaghi W, Deng XW* (2013). UV-B-induced
photomorphogenes in Arabidopsis. Protein Cell. 7:485-92.

8. 安成才、黄萍、张旭、付力文、 杨丽、张启涛、孔双蕾、任姣、孔寅飞、高音、于祥春:高通量水稻转基因方法。专利号:ZL 2010 1 0273112.6 中国,发明专利。

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