王震铄 | |||||||||||||||
工作经历 2022.03-至今 中国农业大学植物病理系 副教授2019.10-2022.03 中国农业大学作物生理与栽培学系 博士后 教育经历 2015.09-2019.06 中国农业大学植物病理学系 农学博士 2011.09-2014.06 云南农业大学植物病理学系 农学硕士 2007.09-2011.06 沈阳农业大学生物工程系 工学学士 学术兼职 担任《Biological Control》等国际期刊审稿人。 教学工作 研究生课程:植物微生态学(主讲);植物微生态学理论与实践(参讲) 本科生课程:植物病害生物防治(主讲) 研究方向 1. 植物病害生物防治 以我国重要经济作物的主要病害为靶标,开展微生物杀菌剂、植物微生态制剂等农用生物制剂的研制。 2. 植物微生物组学 通过高通量测序、多组学技术及生物信息学分析等技术,深入研究植物微生态系统中微生物的群落结构,揭示有益微生物与植物抗病、营养吸收和生长发育等互作关系。 科研项目 1. 果树病虫害演替规律与全程绿色防控技术体系集成示-苹果、梨病虫害绿色防控技术体系构建与示范,国家重点研发计划,2023 -2026,子课题主持人。 2. 果树病虫害演替规律与全程绿色防控技术体系集成示范-柑橘和葡萄病虫害绿色防控技术体系构建与示范,国家重点研发计划,2023 -2026,子课题主持人。 3. 植物线虫病害新型高效生防微生物制剂的研发,国家重点研发计划科技型 中小企业项目,2022-2025,主要参与人。 4. 马铃薯晚疫病生防菌群的构建及其防病增效的分子机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022-2025,主要参与人。 5. 马铃薯优异种质创新及新品种选育-马铃薯病虫害生防菌剂的开发与绿色防控技术研究,内蒙古自治区“揭榜挂帅”项目,2022-2025,主要参与人。 6. 抗重茬微生态制剂调控马铃薯根际细菌群落防控疮痂病的作用机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2022-2024,主持人。 7. 防控马铃薯疮痂病的微生态制剂调控根际细菌群落的机制研究,中国博士后基金面上项目,2021-2022,主持人。 8. 植物微生态学课程实践教育基地建设,校级教改项目,2022-2025,主持人。 代表性论文 近五年发表SCI论文18篇,中文一级学报论文2篇,其他中文期刊论文1篇。 代表性论文(第一作者(#),通讯作者(*)): 1. Qinhong Liao#, Yu Zhao#, Zhenshuo Wang#, Longfeng Yu, Qiqian Su, JiaoQian Li, Anran Yuan, Junkui Wang, Dawei Tian, Chenglin Lin, Xiaoya Huang, Wenhua Li, ZhiQiang Sun, Jia Liu*, Qi Wang*. Kiwifruit resistance to gray mold is enhanced by yeast-induced modulation of the endophytic microbiome. Science of the Total Environment 2024. 2. Zhenshuo Wang#, Liwei Wang#, Mengyao Wang, Qinhong Liao, Xiaojiao Li*, Haijun Yu, Yunfu Zhao, Qi Wang*, Jia Liu*. Differential expression of long non-coding RNA and mRNA in kiwifruit fruit in response to Penicillium expansum. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2024. 3. Chao Gong#, Zhenshuo Wang#, Zhiliang Li, Baojuan Sun, Wenlong Luo, Shanwei Luo, Shuting Chen, Peiting Mai, Zhenxing Li, Ye Li, Yikui Wang*, Tao Li*. A QTL of eggplant shapes the rhizosphere bacterial community, co-responsible for resistance to bacterial wilt. Horticulture Research 2024. 4. Zhenshuo Wang#, Yan Li, Yu Zhao, Lubo Zhuang, Yue Yu, Mengyao Wang, Jia Liu*, Qi Wang*. A microbial consortium-based product promotes potato yield by recruiting rhizosphere bacteria involved in nitrogen and carbon metabolisms. Microbial Biotechnology 2021. 5. Zhenshuo Wang#, Jishun Li, Jia Liu, Xiaoli Tian, Danfeng Zhang*, Qi Wang*. Management of blue mold (Penicillium italicum) on mandarin fruit with a combination of the yeast, Meyerozyma guilliermondii and an alginate oligosaccharide. Biological Control 2021, 152. 6. Zhenshuo Wang#, Yuan Sui, Jishun Li, Xiaoli Tian, Qi Wang*. Biological control of postharvest fungal decays in citrus: a review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2020. 7. Zhenshuo Wang#, Yan Li, Lubo Zhuang, Yue Yu, Jia Liu*, Lixia Zhang, Zhenjiang Gao, Yufeng Wu, Wa Gao, Guo-chun Ding*, Qi Wang*. A rhizosphere-derived consortium of Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma harzianum suppresses common scab of potato and increases yield. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 2019, 17. 8. Yuan Dai#, Zhenshuo Wang#, Jinsong Leng#, Yuan Sui, Mingguo Jiang, Michael Wisniewski*, Jia Liu*, Qi Wang*. Eco-friendly management of postharvest fungal decays in kiwifruit. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2021. 9. Yuan Dai#, Zhenshuo Wang#, Jinsong Leng, Qi Wang, Jia Liu*. Heat stress alters the transcriptome of Debaryomyces hansenii and reduces its biocontrol activity against postharvest gray mold on kiwifruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2021, 178. 10. Yuan Sui#, Zhenshuo Wang#, Danfeng Zhang*, Qi Wang*. Oxidative stress adaptation of the antagonistic yeast, Debaryomyces hansenii, increases fitness in the microenvironment of kiwifruit wound and biocontrol efficacy against postharvest diseases. Biological Control 2021, 152. 11. Qianhua Zhao#, Qiya Yang#, Zhenshuo Wang#, Yuan Sui, Qi Wang, Jia Liu*, Hongyin Zhang*. Analysis of long non-coding RNAs and mRNAs in harvested kiwifruit in response to the yeast antagonist, Wickerhamomyces anomalus. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 2021, 19. 12. Yuan Sui#, Qianhua Zhao#, Zhenshuo Wang#, Jia Liu, Mingguo Jiang, Junyang Yue, Jianbin Lan, Jing Liu, Qinhong Liao, Qi Wang, Qiya Yang*, Hongyin Zhang*. A comparative analysis of the microbiome of kiwifruit at harvest under open-field and rain-shelter cultivation systems. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021, 12. 13. Ke Huang#, Yuan Sui, Cailing Miao, Cheng Chang, Lei Wang, Shouhua Cao, Xiaoya Huang, Wenhua Li, Yuping Zou, Zhiqiang Sun, Qi Wang, Ceng Zeng, Jia Liu*, Zhenshuo Wang*. Melatonin enhances the resistance of ginger rhizomes to postharvest fungal decay. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2021, 182. 奖励情况 1. 新型高效农作物病害生防菌剂的研制与应用,教育部科技进步奖一等奖,2023,12/26。 |
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