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学术报告:NAD-capped RNA及其功能
发布日期:2023-05-09 浏览次数: 信息来源:植保学院 字号:[ ]

报告题目:NAD-capped RNAs: what are they and what do they do?NAD-capped RNA及其功能)



报告人:夏亦荠 教授

工作单位:Department of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University(香港浸会大学生物系)

联系人:陈旭君 副教授 62734962



Eukaryotic mRNA typically contains the 7-methylguanosine cap (the m7G cap), which not only protects mRNAs from degradation but also plays an essential role in other steps of RNA metabolism and function, such as pre-mRNA processing and translation initiation. m7G capping was once considered to be a constitutive housekeeping process; however, growing evidence indicates that it is dynamically regulated in response to stimuli. In recent years, some RNAs in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes were found to contain non-canonical caps, such as the NAD cap, indicating another layer of control of gene expression by RNA capping.

We have developed multiple methods for global-scale profiling of NAD-capped RNAs (NAD-RNAs). In those methods, NAD-RNAs are tagged by an enzymatic reaction and click chemistry. Labelled NAD-RNAs can then be enriched to make a library and identified by a 2nd or 3rd generation sequencing technology. Our recent data from NAD-RNA profiling of various organisms, including Arabidopsis and micro-organisms, will be presented.

In plants, we have found that the Arabidopsis NAD-RNA decapping enzyme DXO1 is also an essential component of m7G capping. DXO1 binds to and activate RNMT1 which methylates the guanosine cap of pre-mRNA to form the m7G cap. The finding indicates a novel mechanism in m7G capping in plants by coupling with decapping of NAD-RNA. Studies of the emerging NAD-RNA biology could elucidate novel mechanisms controlling important biological processes, such as organisms’ responses to environmental stimuli.


1. C Xiao, K Li, J Hua, Z He, Q Li, H Zhang, L Yang, S Pan, Z Cai, Z Yu, KB Wong, Y Xia (2023) Arabidopsis DXO1 activates RNMT1 to methylate the mRNA guanosine cap. Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-35903-8.

2. H Zhang, H Zhong, X Wang, S Zhang, X Shao, H Hu, Z Yu, Z Cai, X Chen and Y Xia (2021) Use of NAD tagSeq II to identify growth phase-dependent alterations in E. coli NAD-capping. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 118(14): e2026183118.

3. Zhang H, Zhong H, Zhang S, Shao X, Ni M, Cai Z, Chen X, Xia Y (2019) NAD tagSeq reveals that NAD+-capped RNAs are mostly produced from a large number of protein-coding genes in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, doi:10.1073/pnas.1903683116.




夏亦荠,香港浸会大学生物系讲席教授。1997年在美国爱荷华州立大学获得遗传学博士学位2001-2009年担任美国圣路易斯Danforth植物科学中心的首席研究员2009年加入香港浸会大学目前研究重点是RNA加帽的分子机制及其在调节基因表达和逆境反应中的作用。除了经典的真核生物mRNAm7G帽,近几年在真核生物和原核生物的许多RNA中也发现了新的端帽,如NAD帽。然而,NAD加帽的机制及其分子和生理功能还所知甚少夏亦荠实验室近几年开发了识别与鉴定NAD-RNA的新方法,并使用分子生物学、遗传学、生物化学和功能基因组学方法研究拟南芥、大肠杆菌、酵母和人类细胞中RNA加帽在基因调控中的作用机制。夏亦荠教授Nature, PNAS, Nature Protocols, Nature Communications, Plant Cell, EMBO Journal, Nucleic Acids Research等期刊发表了60多篇研究论文,被引用次数超过8600次。

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