> 师资队伍
李 晖
发布日期:2012-04-24 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]


1999.09 - 2002.07 中国农业大学分子植物病理学方向  博士       

1992.09 - 1995.07 石河子大学植物病理学专业        硕士

1988.09 - 1992.07 石河子大学植物保护学专业        学士


2009.04–至今    中国农业大学    副教授

2007.04-2009.03  清华大学生物系  博士后

2001.11-2007.04  石河子大学      副教授

1995.08-2001.10  石河子大学      讲师




1. Tian Li, Xiu-Yun Wu, Hui Li, Jian-Hui Song, Jin-Yuan Liu. A dual function transcription factor, AtYY1, is a novel negative regulator of the Arabidopsis ABA response network, Molecular Plant, 2016, 9(5): 650-661.

2. You-Liang Peng, Ze-Jian Guo, Cheng-Gui Han, Hui Li, Ai-Dong Yang. A report on the 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Food Security, 2013, 5:895-898.

3. Tian Li, Hui Li, Yun-Xiao Zhang, Jin-Yuan Liu. Identification and analysis of seven  H2O2-responsive miRNAs and 32 new miRNAs in the seedlings of rice (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica), Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, 39(7): 2821-2833.

4. Feng Gao, Bang-Jun Zhou, Guo-Ying Li, Pei-Song Jia, Hui Li, Yun-Long Zhao, Pan Zhao, Gui-Xian Xia, Hui-Shan Guo. A glutamic acid-rich protein identified in Verticillium dahliae from an insertional mutagenesis affects microsclerotial formation and pathogenicity. PLoS One, 2010, 5(12), e15319.

5. Jin Long-Guo, Li Hui, Jin-Yuan. Molecular characterization of three ethylene responsive element binding factor genes from cotton, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2010, 52(5): 485-95.

6.Hui Li, Shan-Yue Zhou, Wen-Sheng Zhao, Sheng-Chang Su, You-Liang Peng. A novel wall-associated receptor-like protein kinase gene, OsWAK1, plays important roles in rice blast disease resistance, Plant Molecular Biology, 2009, 69:337-346.

7. Jin Long-Guo, Huang Bo, Li Hui, Liu Jin-Yuan. Expression profiles and transactivation analysis of a novel ethylene-responsive transcription factor gene GhERF5 from cotton, Progress in Natural Science, 2009, 19(5):563-572.

8. Yu-Zhong Ren, Hao Tan, Zheng-Jie Li, Hui Li. First report of Lavender wilt caused by Fusarium solani in China, Plant Pathology, 2008 (57): 377.

9. Zhou Shan-Yue, Zhao Wen-sheng, Li Hui, Peng You-Liang. Characterization of OsRFP1, a novel RING finger gene, induced in rice by ethylene, SA as well as infection of blast fungus,  Journal of Phytopathology, 2008 (156): 396-402.

10. Hai-Tao Yue, Wen-Ping Mo, Chun Li, Hui Li. The salt stress relief and growth promotion effect of Rs-5 on cotton. Plant and Soil. 2007 (297):139-145

11. Yu-Zhong Ren, Guo-Ying Li, Hui Li. First report of Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli infecting Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus in Xinjiang of China, Plant Disease, 2006 (8):1112.

12. 高峰,彭珊, 彭晓玲,李晖,李国英。棉花黄萎病菌插入突变体库的构建及致病相关基因DVK1的克隆与鉴定,棉花学报,2011,23(1):64-68.

13. 高峰,刘培源,马江峰,李晖,李国英。土壤中棉花黄萎病菌快速检测技术研究,植物病理学报,2009,39(3):310-313.

14. 彭姗,吕学莲,高峰,李晖。一种新的棉花黄、枯萎病快速接种方法的研究,棉花学报,2008,20 (3): 174-178.

15. 吕学莲,李国英,昝伟,李晖。定向筛选提高棉花抗枯萎病的病理学机制,植物保护学报,2008 (2):113-118. 


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