> 师资队伍
发布日期:2012-04-24 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]








副教授 博士生导师







工作经历2006.07至今         中国农业大学


2001.09-2006.06   浙江大学,生物化学与分子生物学,博士

1997.09-2001.06   浙江大学,生命科学学院,本科



1. 分子生物学导论

2. 分子生物学实验

3. 微生物与植物病原学实验

4. 植物病害田间识别与诊断





2. 纹枯菌致病因子、纹枯菌与寄主互作机制


1. 东北粳稻抗稻瘟病和抗纹枯病基因的发掘及其作用的分子机制解析,国家自然基金联合基金项目,参加,2023-2026

2. 粮食主产区主要病虫害发生及其绿色防控关键技术,国家重点研发计划,2016-2020

3. WRKY77正调控茉莉酸介导的水稻抗病性研究,国家自然基金面上项目,2016-2019

4. 果蔬有机生产国际标准科技示范基地建设及技术,北京市科技计划,2017-2019



1. Wang S, Han SY, Zhou XG, Zhao CJ, Guo LN, Zhang JQ, Liu F, H QX, Zhao WS, Guo ZJ and Chen XJ* Phosphorylation and ubiquitination of OsWRKY31 are integral to OsMKK10-2-mediated pathogen defense in rice. Plant Cell, 2023, DOI10.1093/plcell/koad064. 

2. He K, Zhao CY, Zhang MM, Li JS, Zhang Q, Wu X, Wei S, Wang Y, Chen XJ*, Li C*. The Chromosome-Scale Genomes of Exserohilum rostratum and Bipolaris zeicola Pathogenic Fungi Causing Rice Spikelet Rot Disease. J. Fungi 2023, 9, 177. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/jof9020177.

3. Xu XH, Wang H, Liu JQ, Han SY, Lin MM, Guo ZJ and Chen XJ*. OsWRKY62 and OsWRKY76 interact with importin α1s for negative regulation of defensive responses in rice nucleus, Rice, 2022, 15: 12.

4. Liang BB#, Wang H#, Yang C, Wang LY, Qi LL, Guo ZJ* and Chen XJ*. Salicylic acid is required for broad-spectrum disease resistance in rice, Int. J. Mol. Sci, 2022, 23: 1354.

5. Li C, Guo ZJ, Zhou SY, Han QY, Zhang MM, Peng YL, Hsiang T and Chen XJ*. Evolutionary and genomic comparisons of hybrid uninucleate and nonhybrid Rhizoctonia fungi. Commun. Biol, 2021, 4:201.

6. Li C, Zhou SY, Zhang MM, Guo ZJ and Chen XJ*. Comparison of mitochondrial genomes from multi-, Bi-, and uninucleate Rhizoctonia. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2021, 6:472-474.

7. Chen XJ, Li C, Wang H and Guo ZJ*. WRKY transcription factors: evolution, binding, and action. Phytopathol. Res, 2019, 1: 13.

8. Chen XJ#*, Chen H#, Yuan JS, Köllner TG, Chen YY, Guo YF, Zhuang XF, Chen XL, Zhang Y-J, Fu JY, Nebenführ A, Guo ZJ and Chen F. The rice terpene synthase gene OsTPS19 functions as an (S)-limonene synthase in planta, and its overexpression leads to enhanced resistance to the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Plant Biotechnol. J, 2018, 16: 1778-1787.

9. Liang XX, Chen XJ, Li C, Fan J and Guo ZJ*. Metabolic and transcriptional alternations for defense by interfering OsWRKY62 and OsWRKY76 transcriptions in rice. Sci. Rep, 2017, 7:2474 | DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-02643-x.

10. Liu JQ#, Chen XJ#, Liang XX, Zhou XG, Yang F, Liu J, He SY and Guo ZJ*. Alternative Splicing of Rice WRKY62 and WRKY76 Transcription Factor Genes in Pathogen Defense. Plant Physiol, 2016, 171: 1427-1442.

11. Zhou SY, Liu Y, Zhang M, Chen XJ*, Ling WX*. Comparison of the virulence and cognate virulence factors of multinucleate, binucleate and uninucleate Rhizoctonia isolates, causing sheath blight on maize plants. Eur J Plant Pathol, 2016, 145: 501-506.

12. Zhou SY, Zhang M, Liu Y, Zhen J, Liang WX, Chen XJ*, Guo ZJ*, Li BD*. A uninucleate Rhizoctonia sp. from maize plant with ITS heterogeneity and hypersensitive to abiotic stress. Eur J Plant Pathol, 2015, 142: 397-401.

13. Xin XF, Nomura K, Ding XH, Chen XJ, Wang K, Aung K, Uribe F, Rosa B, Yao J, Chen J and He SY*. Pseudomonas syringae effector Avirulence Protein E localizes to the host plasma membrane and downregulates the expression of the NONRACE-SPECIFIC DISEASE RESISTANCE1/HARPIN-INDUCED1-LIKE13 gene required for antibacterial immunity in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol, 2015, 169: 793-802.

14. Xing QK, Zheng ZM, Zhou XG, Chen XJ, Guo ZJ*. Ds9 was Isolated Encoding as OsHAP3H and its C-terminus was Required for Interaction with HAP2 and HAP5. J. Plant Biol, 2015, 58: 26-37.

15. Cai YH#, Chen XJ#, Xie K, Xing QK, Wu YW, Li J, Du CH, Sun ZX*, Guo ZJ*. Dlf1, a WRKY Transcription Factor, Is Involved in the Control of Flowering Time and Plant Height in Rice. Plos One, 2014, 9(7):e102529.

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