> 师资队伍
发布日期:2013-09-29 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]








教授 博士生导师








2013.1至今         中国农业大学, 植物病理学系, 教授

2009.2-2012.10   美国俄勒冈州立大学, 植物与植物病理学, Assistant Professor

2003.1-2008.12   美国加州大学, 植物病理学, Assistant Project Scientist

1999.9-2012.12   美国加州大学, 植物病理学, Visiting Postdoc

1986.7-1990.9     江西农业大学, 植物保护学, 助教


1995.9–1999.4    加州大学戴维斯分校, 植物病理, 哲学博士,导师: A.H.C.van Bruggen /K.V. Subbarao

1990.9–1993.7    北京农业大学, 植物病理, 理学硕士,导师: 曾士迈/赵美琦

1982.9–1986.7    南京农业大学, 植物病理, 农学学士


担任国际期刊 Phytopathology 编委











主持我国南方与东北稻区稻瘟病菌群体致病型动态比较国家自然科学基金 2015.1-2018.12;

主持粮食丰产增效科技创新项目粮食主产区主要病虫草害发生及其绿色防控关键技术的第2个子课题:五大种植模式区主要病虫害的监测预警技术及信息化预警平台,并负责其中水稻稻瘟病和玉米大斑病的预测和监测预警技术研究。科技创新专项 2016.1- 2020.12



1. Wu, B. M. and Subbarao, K. V. 2005.  Analysis of spatial patterns in plant pathology.  Pages 167-187 in: Recent Research Developments in Plant Pathology, Vol.3 (2004). S. G. Pandalai, eds.  Research Signpost, Kerala, India.

2. Wu B. M. and van Bruggen AHC. Downy milew in: Compendium of lettuce diseases and pests. eds. by  KV Subbarao, RM Davis, RL Gilbertson, RN Raid. APS, American Phytopathological Society 2017. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

3. Wu B. M. and Subbarao KV.  Lettuce drop in: Compendium of lettuce diseases and pests. eds. by  KV Subbarao, RM Davis, RL Gilbertson, RN Raid. APS, American Phytopathological Society 2017. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.


1. Chen, X., Jia, Y-L and Wu, B. M. 2018. Evolution of rice responses to blast fungus Magnporthe oryzae at different stages.  Plant Disease

2. Guo, F. F., Chen, X., Lu, M., Yang, L., Wang, S.W. and Wu, B. M. 2018.  Spatial analysis of rice blast in China at three different scales.  Phytopathology 108:1276-1286.

3. Yang L, Lu XH, Li SD, and Wu B.M. 2018 First report of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) root rot caused by Plectosphaerella cucumerina in China Plant Disease 102:1849.

4. Uppala, S. R., Wu, B. M., and Alderman, S. C.  2016. Effects of temperature and duration of preconditioning cold treatment on sclerotial germination of Claviceps purpurea. Plant Disease 100: 2080-2086.

5. Zhang, R., Ma, Z. H., and Wu, B. M. 2015. Multiple displacement amplification of whole genomic DNA from urediospores of Puccinia striiformis f. sp tritici.  Current Genetics  61:221-230

6. Wu, B. M., and Subbarao, K. V. 2014. A Model for Multiseasonal Spread of Verticillium Wilt of Lettuce.  Phytopathology 104:908-917.

7. Uppala S, Wu B. M., and Temple TN.  2013. First Report of Fusarium solani on Utah Sweetvetch in the United States. Plant Disease 97:423.

8. Wu, B. M., Subbarao, K.V., and Koike S.T. 2011. Impact of consumer driven changes to crop production practices on lettuce drop caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Sclerotinia minor. Phytopathology 101:340-348..

9. Wu, B. M., and Subbarao, K. V.  2008.  Effects of soil temperature, moisture and burial depths on carpogenic germination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and S. minor.  Phytopathology 98: 1144-1152.

10. Wu, B. M., Subbarao, K. V., and. Liu, Y.-B. 2008.  Comparative survival of sclerotia of Sclerotinia minor and S. sclerotiorum.  Phytopathology 98: 659-665.

11. Wu, B. M., Subbarao, K. V., and Qin, Q.-M.  2008.  Nonlinear colony extension of Sclerotinia minor and S. sclerotiorum.   Mycologia 100:902-910.

12. Wu, B. M., Peng, Y.-L., Qin, Q. M., and Subbarao, K. V. 2007. Incubation of excised apothecia enhances ascus maturation of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.  Mycologia 99: 33-41.

13. Wu, B. M., and Subbarao, K. V. 2006.  Analyses of lettuce drop incidence and population structure of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and S.  minor.  Phytopathology 96:1322-1329.

14. Wu, B. M. and Subbarao, K. V., Ferrandino, F. J., and Hao, J. J.  2006.  Spatial analysis based on variance of moving averages.  Journal of Phytopathology 154:349-360.

15. Wu, B. M., Subbarao, K. V., and van Bruggen, A. H.C.  2005. Analyses of the relationships between lettuce downy mildew and weather variables using geographic information system techniques. Plant Disease 89:90-96.

16. Wu, B. M., and Subbarao, K. V. 2003.  Effects of irrigation and tillage on the dynamics of Sclerotinia minor sclerotia and lettuce drop incidence.  Phytopathology. 93:1572-1580.

17. Wu, B. M., van Bruggen, A. H. C., Subbarao, K. V. and Scherm, H. 2002. Incorporation of temperature and solar radiation thresholds to modify a lettuce downy mildew warning system. Phytopathology 92: 631-636.

18. Wu, B. M., van Bruggen, A. H. C., Subbarao, K. V., and Pennings, G. G. H.  2001. Spatial analysis of lettuce downy mildew using geostatistics and Geographic Information Systems.  Phytopathology 91:134-142.  

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