> 师资队伍
发布日期:2024-02-24 浏览次数: 信息来源:植保学院 字号:[ ]










教授 博士生导师 系主任









2019.10-至今    中国农业大学 教授

2014.06-2019.09  Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology (德国)  博士后


2010.02-2014.05   Monash University (澳大利亚)     博士

2005.07-2008.03   东华大学                      硕士

2001.09-2005.07   华中农业大学                  本科




担任Frontiers in Plant Science 编委,Nature Plants, New Phytologist, Journal of Experimental Biology, Phytopathology Research, BMC Plant Biology, Developmental Gene and Evolution, Frontiers in Plant Science等期刊审稿人


1. 玉米抗病遗传

2. 玉米-禾谷镰孢菌分子互作

3. 钙通道蛋白和植物先天免疫调控


1. 植物抗病分子遗传学(研究生)

2. 文献阅读和科技论文写作(留学生)

3. 植物安全Seminars(研究生)


1. 中国农业大学高层次引进人才启动基金(2019-2025

2. 国家十四五重点研发计划

3. 科技创新2030:粮食作物抗病新基因挖掘与育种评价


1. Wang MY, Chen JB, Wu R, Guo HL, Chen Y, Li ZJ, Wei LY, Liu C, He SF, Du MD, Guo YL, Peng YL, Jones J, Weigel D, Huang JH*, Zhu WS*. The plant immune receptor SNC1 monitors helper NLRs targeted by a bacterial effector. Cell Host & Microbe. 2023, 8;31(11):1792-1803.e7

2. Chen JB, Li L, Kim JH, Neuhäuser B, Wang MY, Thelen M, Hilleary R, Chi Y, Wei LY, Venkataramani K, Exposito-Alonso M, Liu C, Keck J, Barragan A. C, Schwab R, Lutz U, Pei ZM, He SY, Ludewig U, Weigel D*, Zhu WS*. Small proteins modulate ion channel-like ACD6 to regulate immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Cell. 2023, 83, 1–12

3. Liu C, He SF, Chen JB, Wang MY, Li ZJ, Wei LY, Chen Y, Du MD, Liu DD, Li C, An CJ, Bhadauria V, Lai JS, Zhu WS*. A dual-subcellular localized β-glucosidase confers pathogen and insect resistance without a yield penalty in maize. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2023, doi: 10.1111/pbi.14242.

4. Kolodziej M, Singla J, Sanchez-Martin J, Zbinden H, Simkova H, Karafiátová M, Dolezel J, Gronnier J, Poretti M, Glauser G, Zhu W, Koster P, Zipfel C, Wicker T, Krattinger S, Keller B*. A membrane-bound ankyrin repeat protein confers race-specific leaf rust disease resistance in wheat. Nature Communications. 2021, 12(956)

5. Hu B, Wang N, Bi X, Karaaslan ES, Weber AL,  Zhu W, Berendzen KW, Liu C*. Plant lamin-like proteins mediate chromatin tethering at the nuclear periphery. Genome Biology. 2019, 20(1):87

6. Exposito-Alonso M; 500 Genomes Field Experiment Team, Burbano HA, Bossdorf O, Nielsen R, Weigel D*. Natural selection on the Arabidopsis thaliana genome in present and future climates. Nature. 2019, 573(7772):126-129.

7. Méndez-Vigo B, Ausín I, Zhu W, Mollá-Morales A, Balasubramanian S, Alonso-Blanco C*. Genetic interactions and molecular evolution of the duplicated genes ICARUS2 and ICARUS1 help Arabidopsis plants adapt to different ambient temperatures. The Plant Cell, 2019, 31(6): 1222-1237.

8. Wu R, Lucke M, Jang Y, Zhu W, Symeonidi E, Wang C, Fitz J, Xi W, Schwab R, Weigel D*. An efficient CRISPR vector toolbox for obtaining large deletions in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Methods 2018, 14:65

9. Zhu W#, Zaidem M#, Van de Weyer AL, Gutaker RM, Chae E, Kim ST, Bemm F, Li L, Schwab R, Unger F, Beha M, Demar M and Weigel D*. Modulation of ACD6 dependent hyper-immunity by natural alleles of an Arabidopsis thaliana NLR resistance gene. PLoS Genetics, 2018, 14(9):e1007628

10. Zhu W#, Hu B, Becker C, Doğan ES, Berendzen KW, Weigel D* and Liu C#*. Altered chromatin compaction and histone methylation drive non-additive gene expression in an interspecific Arabidopsis hybrid. Genome Biology. 2017, 18: 157.

11. Grimm DG*Roqueiro D, Salomé PA, Kleeberger SGreshake BZhu WLiu CLippert CStegle OSchölkopf BWeigel DBorgwardt KM*. easyGWAS: A Cloud Based Platform for Comparing the Results of Genome-Wide Association Studies. The Plant Cell. 2017, 29(1): 1-9.

12. Exposito-Alonso M, … Zhu W, … Weigel D. A rainfall-manipulation experiment with 517 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. bioRxiv, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1101/186767.

13. Sanchez-Bermejo E#Zhu W#Tasset CEimer HSureshkumar SSingh RSundaramoorthi VColling LBalasubramanian S*. Genetic architecture of natural variation in thermal response of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology. 2015, 169: 647-59.

14. Zhu W#Ausin I#Seleznev AMéndez-Vigo BPicó FXSureshkumar SSundaramoorthi VBulach DPowell DSeemann TAlonso-Blanco C*Balasubramanian S*. Natural variation identifies ICARUS1, a universal gene required for cell proliferation and growth at high temperatures in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics. 2015, 11(5): e1005085.

15. Zhu W#Fan Z#Zhang CGuo ZZhao YZhou YLi KXing ZChen GLiang YJin LXiao J*. A dominant X-linked QTL regulating pubertal timing in mice found by whole genome scanning in reciprocal pedigrees and modified interval specific congenic strains analysis. PLoS One. 2008, 3(8): e3021.

16. Zhou YZhu WGuo ZZhao YSong ZXiao J*. Effects of maternal nuclear genome on the timing of puberty in mice offspring. Journal of Endocrinology. 2007, 193(3): 405412.

17. Zhu W, Xu J, Hua Y, Li Z*. Genomic analysis of intergeneric hybrids between Brassica carinata and Orychophragmus violaceus by using in situ hybridization. Acta Botanica Boreali-occidentalia Sinica (Chinese).  2005, 25(4): 662-667.


国家发明专利:利用通用荧光引物和构象敏感凝胶电泳筛查单核苷酸多态性位点法,范忠鹏,朱旺升,于明辉,周宇荀,李凯,肖君华 专利号:CN101245388B




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